Itineraries Aeolian Islands
TOUR IN PULLMAN Ursobus – Tour in Pullman in Aeolian SEA EXCURSIONS Sailing cruises weekly or weekend in gulet Sailing ship Sigismund MOTORS HIRE, CAR, BIKE Motors Hire – Lipari porto – Da Marcello Motors Hire – Lipari – Aveden Climbing Stromboli Isole Eolie- Natura ed itinerari The plant landscape of […] ... Continue Reading →

A collection of masks in Lipari’s Museum
The most complete documentation in Italy on the costume scenic ancient Hellas Greek theater, worship and mysteries – A Lipari statues and masks from funerar An extraordinary collection of masks and statuettes in theatrical subjects found in the tomb of the fourth and third centuries BC and stored in the classical section of the Aeolian […] ... Continue Reading →

Aeolian Islands: Virtual tour of the acropolis of Lipari
Web applications to download to your smartphone illustrating tourist routes (frame the QR codes with your smartphone) I PERCORSI DEL CONFINO – The application allows you to be informed about the places on Lipari that had great significance in the stories of the internees sent to the island for punishment by the fascist government. PROJECT […] ... Continue Reading →

Aeolian in the Unesco World Heritage list
According to the World Heritage Convention, for cultural heritage means a monument, group of buildings or site of historical, aesthetic, archaeological, scientific, ethnological or anthropological. The natural heritage, however, indicates relevant physical, biological, and geological, as well as the habitat of endangered plant and animal species and areas of particular scientific and aesthetic value. The […] ... Continue Reading →
Events, festivals, religious festivals in the Aeolian Islands
Events, festivals, religious festivals in the Aeolian Islands SAGRE, MANIFESTAZIONI RELIGIOSE ED EVENTI CULTURALI DELL’ISOLA DI LIPARI PERIODO EVENTO DESCRIZIONE 13 FEBBRAIO S. BARTOLO DEI PESCATORI Particolarità di questo avvenimento è l’asta dello stendardo che viene portato in processione; la mattina vi è infatti un’asta pubblica tra le famiglie dei pescatori che le vede […] ... Continue Reading →

Esemar: flying on the Aeolian Islands
All information relating to the Aeolian Islands, Island to Island Historical, geographical, tourist informations. For each Island: virtual Flight, 360 ° immersive images, maps, videos and itineraries Where to eat, where to sleep. The most comprehensive site for information on the Aeolian islands. Click on the names of the islands to go directly to […] ... Continue Reading →