Vulcano island
Numero di catalogo: 0101-05= (Smithsonian Institution, Global Volcanism Program) Altezza sopra il livello del mare: 500 m Ubicazione: 38.404°N, 14.962°E Superficie totale: 21 chilometri quadrati (isola di Vulcano) Vulcano, origine del termine oggi applicato per tutti i vulcani nel mondo, è la più meridionale delle Isole Eolie. La sua frequente attività nell’epoca classica ha ispirato […] ... Continue Reading →

A collection of masks in Lipari’s Museum
The most complete documentation in Italy on the costume scenic ancient Hellas Greek theater, worship and mysteries – A Lipari statues and masks from funerar An extraordinary collection of masks and statuettes in theatrical subjects found in the tomb of the fourth and third centuries BC and stored in the classical section of the Aeolian […] ... Continue Reading →
Rules for the influx of vehicles in the Aeolian Islands
Norme sull’afflusso dei veicoli nelle Isole Eolie DECRETO 14 maggio 2012 Limitazioni all’afflusso e alla circolazione dei veicoli sulle isole Eolie. (12A06376) (GU n. 128 del 4-6-2012 ) IL MINISTRO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI Visto l’art. 8 del decreto legislativo 30 aprile 1992, n. 285, come modificato con decreto legislativo 10 settembre 1993, n. […] ... Continue Reading →
Reservations/Info tourism services Aeolian Islands
RESERVATIONS/INFORMATION SERVICES book hotels, apartments, houses, trips, boats, etc. … Aeolian Islands : * required Pursuant to Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003, n. 196 on the protection of personal data, I authorize to process the data sent by me to the inner workings. I also declare that I have read the following information. […] ... Continue Reading →

The colors of the Aeolian Islands
The colors of the Aeolian Islands In the north-east of Sicily there is a corner of paradise where the mystery of nature is reflected seven times in the waters of a crystal clean sea. One has the impression to admire something that belongs at the beginning of the world, the seven islands of the archipelago […] ... Continue Reading →

Aeolus and the islands of the winds
Aeolus and the islands of the winds The name derives Eolo the greek “Aiolos” meaning fast. One story of Aeolus, a greek prince who ruled a colony on the Aeolian Islands. Because he is a man of understanding, achieved a certain fame because he could predict the weather by the shape of the clouds of […] ... Continue Reading →