The Hystory of Aeolian Islands
An ancient history From the book “The Aeolian islands” published by the Tourist office – Lipari The history of the Aeolian islands is basically identical to that of the island of Lipari. The first human settlers came there from Sicily in the Middle Neolithic period (from the fourth millenim BC), in small rudimentary boats. They […] ... Continue Reading →

The history of the Aeolian Islands
An ancient history From the book “The Aeolian islands” published by the Tourist office – Lipari The history of the Aeolian islands is basically identical to that of the island of Lipari. The first human settlers came there from Sicily in the Middle Neolithic period (from the fourth millenim BC), in small rudimentary boats. They […] ... Continue Reading →

A collection of masks in Lipari’s Museum
The most complete documentation in Italy on the costume scenic ancient Hellas Greek theater, worship and mysteries – A Lipari statues and masks from funerar An extraordinary collection of masks and statuettes in theatrical subjects found in the tomb of the fourth and third centuries BC and stored in the classical section of the Aeolian […] ... Continue Reading →