Position Eolnet's webcams in Lipari

Aeolian Webcams

LIPARI Meteo Station on Sottomonastero Click on the image to go to the webcams if an error is indicated, copy this address into the browser: webcam.eolnet.it/foscam.asp  STROMBOLI Webcam1: Punta Labronza 400m slm (INGV Catania) – GMT Webcam2 (infrarosso): Punta Labronza 400m slm (INGV Catania) – GMT VULCANO ... Continue Reading →

The colors of the Aeolian Islands

The colors of the Aeolian Islands In the north-east of Sicily there is a corner of paradise where the mystery of nature is reflected seven times in the waters of a crystal clean sea. One has the impression to admire something that belongs at the beginning of the world, the seven islands of the archipelago […] ... Continue Reading →