Lipari island
Lipari Island (Meligunis) Area 38.6 sq km Population 10,690 Height above sea level: 602 m (Monte Chirica) Location: 38.48 ° N, 14.95 ° E Total area: 38 square kilometers (Lipari) Lipari is the largest and most geologically complex of the Aeolian Islands, as well as the administrative center (the town of Lipari) for all the […] ... Continue Reading →

Esemar: flying on the Aeolian Islands
All information relating to the Aeolian Islands, Island to Island Historical, geographical, tourist informations. For each Island: virtual Flight, 360 ° immersive images, maps, videos and itineraries Where to eat, where to sleep. The most comprehensive site for information on the Aeolian islands. Click on the names of the islands to go directly to […] ... Continue Reading →