The Archaeological Museum in Lipari
SECTION I It is located in the ancient palace of the bishops, next to the Cathedral, built in the seventeenth century. Materials of the excavations of the Acropolis of Lipari ROOM I – On display are the materials of the two older stages of the Neolithic Eoliano. ROOM II – Materials of the third and […] ... Continue Reading →
Rules for the influx of vehicles in the Aeolian Islands
Norme sull’afflusso dei veicoli nelle Isole Eolie DECRETO 14 maggio 2012 Limitazioni all’afflusso e alla circolazione dei veicoli sulle isole Eolie. (12A06376) (GU n. 128 del 4-6-2012 ) IL MINISTRO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI Visto l’art. 8 del decreto legislativo 30 aprile 1992, n. 285, come modificato con decreto legislativo 10 settembre 1993, n. […] ... Continue Reading →
Weather forecast Lipari
Live weather data in Lipari, Aeolian and Milazzo Forecast wind Lipari Forecast sea Lipari ... Continue Reading →
Weather Forecast Europe, Italy, Sicily
The weather forecast for the next few hours and the next day Europe, Italy, Sicily Weather World, Europe, Italy Sicily ... Continue Reading →

The colors of the Aeolian Islands
The colors of the Aeolian Islands In the north-east of Sicily there is a corner of paradise where the mystery of nature is reflected seven times in the waters of a crystal clean sea. One has the impression to admire something that belongs at the beginning of the world, the seven islands of the archipelago […] ... Continue Reading →

Aeolus and the islands of the winds
Aeolus and the islands of the winds The name derives Eolo the greek “Aiolos” meaning fast. One story of Aeolus, a greek prince who ruled a colony on the Aeolian Islands. Because he is a man of understanding, achieved a certain fame because he could predict the weather by the shape of the clouds of […] ... Continue Reading →