Position Eolnet's webcams in Lipari

Aeolian Webcams

LIPARI Meteo Station on Sottomonastero Click on the image to go to the webcams if an error is indicated, copy this address into the browser: webcam.eolnet.it/foscam.asp  STROMBOLI Webcam1: Punta Labronza 400m slm (INGV Catania) – GMT Webcam2 (infrarosso): Punta Labronza 400m slm (INGV Catania) – GMT VULCANO ... Continue Reading →

Weather forecast Milazzo and the Aeolian

Weather forecast Santa Marina Salina Weather forecast wind Santa Marina Salina Forecast sea Santa Marina Salina Weather forecast Malfa-Salina Forecast wind Malfa-Salina Forecast sea Malfa-Salina Weather forecast Leni-Salina Forecast wind Leni-Salina Forecast sea Leni-Salina Weather forecast Milazzo Forecast wind Milazzo Forecast sea Milazzo ... Continue Reading →

Aeolus and the islands of the winds

Aeolus and the islands of the winds The name derives Eolo the greek “Aiolos” meaning fast. One story of Aeolus, a greek prince who ruled a colony on the Aeolian Islands. Because he is a man of understanding, achieved a certain fame because he could predict the weather by the shape of the clouds of […] ... Continue Reading →